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lunedì 23 gennaio 2012


Strip Method Crochet Rose

By Megan Mills

This rose is approximately 3.5cm (1.4 inches) across.

ss slip stich
ch chain
sc single crochet (UK double crochet)
dc double crochet (UK treble)
sp space


DMC Cebelia No 10 thread
1.75mm hook
Rose is approximately 3.5cm (1.4 inches) across


Note: Leave a long tail at the start so that you can use it to roll-and-stitch the rose together.

Row 1: 55ch. Into 4th ch from hook work 1dc. *1ch, miss 2ch, (1dc, 2ch, 1dc) in next st. Repeat from * to the end. Turn. Row 2: 3ch, (1dc, 2ch, 2dc) into first 2-ch sp. *(2ch, 2dc, 2ch, 2dc) in next 2-ch sp. Repeat from * to the end. Turn.
Row 3: 6dc into first 2-ch sp, 1sc into next 2-ch sp. (7dc into next 2-ch sp, 1sc into next 2-ch sp) 12 times. (9dc into next 2-ch sp, 1sc into next 2-ch sp) five times. Leave a tail long enough to weave in easily and fasten off.


Thread the long tail onto a needle and as you roll the rose up stitch the base together. The large petals end up on the outside of the rose so start rolling from the small-petalled end. Try to keep the base flat - if it 'telescopes' the rose will not be as pretty. You can then use the tail to attach your rose to another item or tidy away the end.

I haven't bothered finishing it properly - I just rolled and stitched it
and took the photos for you to see.


Ho realizzato queste borse utilizzando della stoffa di misto cotone di media pesantezza, il tetto e le pareti hanno una leggera imbottitura in poliestere, fondo rigido, decorazioni floreali yo-yo clover, la tracolla è rimovibile.

mercoledì 11 gennaio 2012

Albero di Natale a punto coccodrillo

copiato dal sito
Crocodile Stitch Christmas Tree by Thelma Lockhart
H, G, F and E hooks
Special st: the crocodile st is worked over the 2 dc’s that are made together in the 1 dc. 5 dc are worked around the 1st dc, then another 5 dc worked around the 2nd dc. To work your 1 st, 5 dc you must turn your working piece on its side to the right, so you will work your 5 dc from the top of the side post downwards. When working the other side, you will turn your working piece on its side to the left, so you will work your 5 dc from the bottom of the side post and upwards
With H hook
Row 1: Ch 43 and slip stitch in first ch (be sure not to twist chain).
Row 2: Ch 1 and sc in each ch across (42 sc)
Row 3: Ch 1 and in same sc do 2 dc,, ch 1 *sk 2 sc, 1 dc in next sc, ch 1, sk 2 sc in next sc, ch 1, sk 2 sc, 2 dc in next sc, ch 1*
Same as between* across to last 3 sc, sk 2 sc and in last sc put in dc and sl st into first dc, ch 1 and turn Now you will start crocodile stitch
Row 4: Should have 7 groups of crocodile stitch. At end sl st through last dc,
Row 5: Repeat row 3
Row 6: Repeat Row 4
Change to G hook
Row 7: Repeat row 3
Row 8: Crocodile Stitch row
Row 9: Repeat row 3 but put 3 decreases in this row
Row 10: Crocodile Stitch row (6 groups of crocodile st)
Change to F hook
Row 11 Repeat row 3 but put 3 decreases in this row
Row 12: Crocodile Stitch row (5 groups of crocodile st)
Row 13: Repeat row 3
Row 14: Crocodile Stitch row (5 groups of crocodile st)
Change to E hook
Row 15: Repeat row 3 but put 3 decreases in this row
Row 16: Crocodile Stitch row (4 groups of crocodile st)
Row 17 Sc in each st,
Row 18 to end - do not sl st, just keep going around decreasing in each 2 stitches until you only have one sc left, fasten off
Now place a star on top. You can crochet a small one or use a large star button.